Group 3 2014
Group members: Colin Campbell, Steven Harrington, and Andras Karsai

We seek to investigate the properties of a generalized double pendulum. Previous investigations on double pendulums often limit it to a planar case, and fix the lengths of each stage of the pendulum. The Astrojax is notable in that the pendulum stage lengths vary dynamically. We measure its behaviors in response to well quantified forcing using a perpendicular camera array to track position, and from that generate three-dimensional trajectories for each pendulum bob. The trajectories' mean chaotic lifetime and dominant oscillation frequencies are analyzed, and we find that this chaotic pendulum's oscillation frequencies are linearly correlated with the forcing frequency in the low-frequency regime. We also conclude that a naive periodic forcing of this system without a feedback mechanism is not sufficient to create stable, long-lived orbits of the Astrojax pendulum.
An oscillation <ref></ref> is defined, in physics, as a regular variation in magnitude, position, etc. around a central point. Oscillatory mechanical systems are a vast subset of dynamical systems. They can be used to describe the evolution of states for nearly all physical phenomena. Oscillations of various types occur in real world mechanical systems, nearly all of which are thermodynamically irreversible (via damping, friction, energy due to heat loss, etc.). Even the light you see and the sound you hear are the results of the oscillations of a medium or a field. Here, we specifically study a set of coupled, chaotic oscillations that form from the forcing of a double pendulum.
As any good physics enthusiast knows, student, instructor, or otherwise, pendula are one of the most fundamental and ubiquitous systems studied, and while they may be common, they are only ideal and easily solvable in the most simple of cases. While the equations of motion for a single pendulum are easily attainable, especially for the low amplitude/small angle limit, a "double" pendulum is an example of the effects of coupling and gives rise to chaotic behavior.
Traditionally, a double pendulum has rigid axes, thereby defining the distance the two masses that can be from each other and also from the pivot. Also, more oft than not, a double pendulum is constrained to move in two dimensions via a constant, fixed polar angle. As such, the system has only two degrees of freedom: <math>\scriptsize{\theta_1}</math> and <math>\scriptsize{\theta_2}</math>, these being the azimuthal angles the axes of their respective masses form with the vertical.
It is well documented that such a system demonstrates chaotic behavior. However, we wish to examine the kinds of behavior that arise when we increase the degrees of freedom from two to five. How does one go about doing this? The answer is found very simply in a child's toy: the Astrojax.
The Astrojax Pendulum
The Astrojax is an assemblage of three weighted spheres on a string. Some versions of the toy allow all three spheres to move along the length of the string, but the case studied here does not. Two of the spheres are located at the ends of the string, and the third sphere is allowed to move along the length of the string between them. Some small amounts of damping are of course present. For the Astrojax, the polar angles are not constrained, allowing for motion in a three dimensional plane. This gives the Astrojax five degrees of freedom:

- <math>\small{\lambda}</math> - The distance between the first and middle sphere
- <math>\small{\theta_1}</math> - The first axis' azimuthal angle
- <math>\small{\theta_2}</math> - The second axis' azimuthal angle
- <math>\small{\phi_1}</math> - The first axis' polar angle
- <math>\small{\phi_2}</math> - The second axis' polar angle
The lengths of the two pendula are defined as <math>\scriptsize{L_1=\lambda}</math> and <math>\scriptsize{L_2 = L- \lambda}</math> where <math>\scriptsize{L_1}</math> and <math>\scriptsize{L_2}</math> are the lengths of the first and second pendula, respectively, and where <math>\scriptsize{L}</math> is the total length of the string. It is important to note that because the length of the string is held constant and the length of the second pendulum depends on length of the first and the total length of the string, the length of the second pendulum is not an additional degree of freedom; it can be obtained through other lengths and variables already inherent in the system.
Hopefully, the addition of these three degrees of freedom will give rise to even more interesting chaotic behavior; if a rigid, double pendulum already possess chaotic properties, surely an unconstrained one will exhibit even more chaos, especially under forcing.
Previous Work
Surprisingly, the dynamics of three dimensional double pendulum are not well studied, not to mention those of a three dimensional variable length pendulum. Most studies of such systems constrain the lengths of the two pendula to be constant, giving them only four degrees of freedom as opposed to five for the Astrojax. Prior work is scarce, but there are some examples by Philip du Toit and Daniel Dichter and Kate Maschan.
The first, by Philip Du Toit, differs from our approach in that Dr. Du Toit simulated the system as whole, i.e., all three bobs, without any forcing; he simply imposed some initial conditions. While his mathematical approach is still useful, his experimental process offers little in the way of the investigation of chaos. Dr. du Toit merely examined the dynamics of the system starting from some initial conditions, and did not infinitesimally vary those conditions to investigate the onset of chaos.
As can be easily inferred the motion of the Astrojax is highly complex. As previously stated, the motion of a rigid, 2D pendulum is already chaotic in and of itslef, and the process more than doubling the degrees of freedom when moving from the 2D pendulum to the Astrojax must assuredly increase the complexity. It bears repeating that, while the Astrojax is a double pendulum, it is not a rigid double pendulum. The lengths of the both the pendula are variable depending on the forcing applied to the system.

The Optitrack motion capture camera system and its proprietary software MOTIVE will be used to observe and track the motion of the two masses that form the bobs of the pendula. This motion will be the result of a DENSO robotic arm will holding one of the masses and forcing the system in a variety of different directions and combinations. Forcing will take place along the horizontal directions, the vertical direction, and various combinations of two of the previously stated forcings.
As it stands, there are three known types of motion that arise from forcing the Astrojax. Forcing in the either of the horizontal directions results in what is referred to as a "butterfly" orbit. Isotropic forcing along any two planes, <math>\scriptsize{(x,y)}</math>,<math>{\scriptsize(x,z)}</math>, or <math>\scriptsize{(z,y)}</math>, will result in what can be best approximated as a circular orbit. Forcing solely in the <math>\scriptsize{z}</math> direction will result in a tilted, elliptical orbit.
Generally, it is easier to work in two dimensions as a opposed to three, like we're doing here. To make the data more wieldy, Poincaré maps will be integral in data analysis.
Time permitting, several modifications to the commercially available Astrojax may be made:
- Masses- The pendulum bob mass may be varied via 3D printing techniques
- String- The composition of the pendulum arm may be changed to observe the differing effects of the coefficients of friction between the weighted sphere and the material used to form the string.